Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Week Two post

Idea: According to Griffin, scholars who follow the objectivist position believe that theories need to be validated by testing them in a manner similar to the scientific method.

The objectivist position is very hard to take in real life application. There are few situations that can be described as “black and white,” and a source can easily be identified. Even though, the situation may look simple, it may have been the result of multiple other factors. The most important process of the scientific method is that of manipulation. One great example of this is the idea of a soul, in the debate over mind/body dualism. Descartes noted the soul to be located in the pineal gland, as it was located deep in the brain and is the only gland not duplicated. However, we are unable to manipulate to determine if the gland is truly the source. Thus an objectivist position would state the theory is not true because the lack of testing to validate the theory. However, this does not mean the soul does not exist in the pineal gland, yet the objectivist position dictates that is the position we must take.

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