Friday, September 19, 2008

week #4 - post #2

Uncertainty reduction theory –

The uncertainty reduction theory is made up of eight axioms, or self-evident truths, which require no additional proof. The first axiom is verbal communication; this is what starts the sharing of information. The second is nonverbal warmth; this is the assurance of understanding and welcomed communication. The third is information seeking; this is finding out the true self of the person involved in the communication. The fourth is self-disclosure; a sense of trust which builds a strong bond. The fifth is reciprocity; in which information similar to what was disclosed is expected to be returned to the original communicator. The sixth is similarity; A bond is drawn tighter with actions or preferences which are shared by both communicators. The seventh is liking; The more that is know about the other communicator, the more the person will be appreciated. The final axiom is shared networks in which communication with those surrounding the communicator leads to more familiarity and trust. I think these axioms are very true in communication. I can think back to most of more friendships, relationships, etc., and see a similar trend. The best example of such is disclosure.

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