Saturday, September 27, 2008

Chapter 12: Dialogue as Dialectical Flux

Chapter 12: Dialogue as Dialectical Flux

The messiness of personal relationships is an intriguing diagram. The web which connects each concept creates an extremely tangled web, in which one tug triggers another reaction, and then another, and another. The connectedness, certainty, uncertainty, openness, separateness, conventionality, concealment, uniqueness, seclusion, inclusion, and revelation, all play off one another in the dialogue of a personal relationship. We sometimes can walk a fine line, when our communication triggers an unbalance of the ideas above. Whether talking about an uncertainty, or a certainty which is not wished for, each will have a different effect of the relationship, affecting satisfaction and a slew of other personal relationship aspects.

1 comment:

CeeZee said...

The diagram you spoke of is indeed a crazy web of constant action/reaction that can get very messy. The chain reaction is endless, which is precisely why we must choose our actions and words very carefully because a poor occurrence could have ramifications way down the line. Something we say today could come back and bite us years later.
I agree that our communication has direct effect on our relationships and that the better we master our own communication, the better we can control our surroundings..