Thursday, October 2, 2008

Week 6 #1 - From the tiny pond to the big ocean

I particularly enjoy this concept, from the tiny pond to the big ocean, presented by Hirokawa. He mentioned the obvious difficulty present with translating the results from controlled lab experiments to that of real world, seemingly unpredictable interactions. He presents that quality and not quantity in the group decision making process, is the key to the final decision. I definitely believe that statement, as when I am in a group, I would tend to side more with someone who does try to think out their thoughts while, speaking, but someone who has visualized what they wanted to say, the best coarse of action, and then contributed to the group in a well-mannered, non-rambling way.

1 comment:

Professor Cyborg said...

There have been a lot of criticisms of lab experiments in which researchers try to study small group communication. Often these experiments involve college students who get extra credit for participating in the study. The problem is few groups involve 5 strangers completing some silly task, such as figuring out what are the most important items to save if their spaceship has just crashed on the moon. Although lab experiments can provide some insight into possible variables that might affect group interaction, studying groups in context, such as work groups or student organizations, is much more interesting and likely more fruitful.