Saturday, October 11, 2008

corporate colonization

I believe that one of the greatest catastrophes that arised out of the capitalism of this century, was the developement of Big Business CEO's. In this organizational system, much of the work is delegated down the line, to standard workers, and the CEO is simply providing a yes or no. However, the person who is actually performing the duties is highly underpaid for the duties performed, as compared to the CEO. The was an occasion in which my boss, had to pick up the CEO of our company, and he said something very profound. My boss has a BMW, but said he wanted to pick them up in a bad car, so they don't think he makes as much, and won't think he is expendable.

1 comment:

Professor Cyborg said...

When my spouse was working on his PhD at the U of Washington, we bought a house (that needed a lot of TLC) in Seattle as an investment. One of our neighbors worked for the area's trash hauling company. We were talking one day about unions and management, and my spouse said, "Who would notice if CEOs went on strike? Who would notice if trash collectors went on strike?" It makes you wonder about who is more important to your daily life. I blogged about the issue of CEO compensation on Monday this week. What work can anyone do that's worth $65 million a year? Or even $10 million? Or $1 million? Deetz provides us with important insights into equity (and the lack of it) in corporate America.