Friday, October 24, 2008

Week #9, post #3

Economic determinism is the belief that human behavior and relationships are ultimately caused by differences in financial resources and the disparity in power that those gals create. Something about the topic that must be established is the ease of apparency in cultures with a high disparity. In countries, or cultures, which do not experience a high disparity in financial resources or disparity in power, it would obviously be a tough debate to say that culture our country is experiencing economic determinism. In America, we have an extreme case of economic determinism, because of the large disparities evident in our culture.

1 comment:

Tornn said...

There are aspects about the ideas of economic determinism that I can both agree and disagree with. I feel that differences in financial resources really do affect how people interact. People tend to get uncomfortable about their financial situations when communicating with each other about them. Its sad because people from different economic situations can get along perfectly well and most people tend to not care whether or not you have money.