Saturday, October 18, 2008

Week 8, post #2 - Victimage

Victimage is one of the best and worse means of communicaiton, especially organizational or industrial. Sometimes things will not work the way they are supposed to regardless of how much effort was put into ensuring smooth operations. Victimage is an extremely common practice in most successful and unsuccesful organizations. Victimage is the act of naming an external enemy as the source of all personal or public ills. This means that it is not the actual person who was supposed to perform the action, was at fault. That gives an out for that person, to not faced the reprocusions of a failed action. I believe that everyone has engaged in victimage at one point in their lives.

1 comment:

pirateprincess said...

You're right, we all have engaged in victimage at one time in our lives. Some of us do it on a daily basis. We are late to work and we blame it on traffic when we know we really missed our alarm clock. When we do bad on a quiz, we say the questions were too hard, or we had a headached, or we couldn't study because we were sick. It's difficult for us to own up to our wrongdoings. Out of victimage and mortification, the latter is the more noble one. But how many of us will admit when we are wrong and take the blame? Not many of us...